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Open Elder Scrolls Online Beta


If you haven’t heard there’s been an Elder Scrolls Online beta taking place this weekend and unlike the previous betas this one doesn’t have the non-disclosure agreement hanging over it so there are no limits to what can be posted. So even the picture above is from my actual playing time. And for all those who participate this time you’ll receive the vanity pet shown in my previous post. And since I can reuse my character from the last beta I’m currently at level 15 and I’ve finished all the quests I’m allowed to do with my character so after enjoying some more PvP I’ll be starting a new character to see the different storyline and quests. It’s true to the Elder Scrolls game in the sense that what you use most you increase your proficiency in it as time goes on and so your strengths become based on your style of play and the skills you use. This even applies to the crafting system. You’re not restricted to choosing a limited number of crafts however you are initially limited to crafting items in the style of your own race until you learn other styles. I don’t have any additional beta keys right now but there are plenty out there so if you’re dying to get your hands on one this is the best time to do so. And the beta doesn’t end until Monday, March 3rd at 11:59 pm so there’s still time to enjoy it. And besides, there will be another beta after this so you’ll have it for next time. So for now I’ll just leave you with a few screenshots from this weekend:


  1. fantasywind - March 7, 2014 9:06 AM

    Just out of curiosity, what’s the name of location? Argonia or what? It looks..swampy with the fog and all 🙂 This reptile creature, a Clanfear Deadra, am I right? Haha. Also is it possible to make your own spells (like in Morrowind, where there was a very basic technique with choosing a magical effect and setting it’s power paying money for it)?

    • Kareem Ali - March 7, 2014 3:36 PM

      All of these screen shots were taken in Glenumbra in Highrock. I was playing as a Redguard so I was part of the Daggerfall Covenant. And yes that is a Clannfear in the back of one of the pics lol. It’s one of the creatures I could summon and help me in battle. I’ll be posting more pics later today.
      And I didn’t see anything about creating your own spells. You can choose different ways to alter spells once you reach certain levels with that spell. You can also have weapon sets you can switch on the fly when you’re over level 15 so if you look at the first pic those 6 spells switch to another set of any 6 spells you want.
      Also, I have the Witcher #1 issue and I’m trying to set up an interview with the writer. If you had one question you wanted to ask him what would it be?

      • fantasywind - March 12, 2014 7:43 AM

        Thanks for the answer, as for the question hmm hard one I have no idea really :), the recently published book (though I still have to read it in full 🙂 is an interesting topic to discuss with him, for a long time the author claimed he has no intention of returning to witcher universe, (though there were rumours of possibility of stand alone stories set in this world with different hero), now the franchise is getting more attention again so an interview with writer is a good call. It sure will be interesting conversation hehe.

        • Kareem Ali - March 14, 2014 12:23 AM

          The first issue sets up an interesting storyline but can’t post my review until Tuesday night


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