Fallen World #1
The good
Great re-introduction to the world of Rai. Sets up some entertaining story threads.
The bad
Hopefully Bloodshot is more than just a host for a new villain
The ugly
- Total score
Fallen World #1 is the start of a new series chronicling the state of the Earth in the year 4002 A.D. It continues the story of Rai, the cyborg samurai, one year after he defeated Father and New Japan fell to Earth. No one was able to get a full accounting of the aftermath of the various sectors of New Japan falling to Earth or exactly where they landed. However, it wasn’t difficult to understand that the aftermath bought suffering for a number of New Japan residents. If they were able to survive the crash, they still had to fend for themselves without Father’s assistance for the first time in their lives.
Earth’s heroes aren’t faring that much better. Rai is currently the leader of the safest sector but in addition to an unhappy populace, he’s plagued by doubts about his actions on New Japan. Gilad protects the current Geomancer but she struggles due to the fact she can feel Earth suffering from the crash of New Japan. And Bloodshot is constantly overwhelmed with voices crying for help so he searches for different sectors throughout the Earth unable to find his own peace. This allows a creature to capture Bloodshot, giving rise to a new threat on the planet. Can Earth’s heroes rise above the fallen remains of New Japan?
Rai’s new position as leader of both humans and positrons in his sector is intriguing. Not only does his sector face threats from outside but internal turmoil as well. Unlike Father who had absolute authority and trust, Rai has to contend with a restless population and his own doubts. He’s vowed to never use force again, and this directly impacts the views of the residents. The political dynamics are interesting because they give a clear view of the mentality of the people and their hardships since the fall of New Japan.
Fallen World #1 is a great re-introduction to the world of Rai and 4000 A.D.. This issue picks up from the perfect spot with the heroes of the revolution on New Japan facing new challenges on Earth. I really appreciate Rai’s new situation because it allows an examination of his character from a different angle. It also gives a face and voice to the residents of his sector. I love Bloodshot but I’m concerned his role will only be to serve as a host for a new enemy in this story arc. However, Gilad and the Geomancer add another entertaining element to the start of this series. I can’t wait for the next issues.
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