Posts»Post-NYCC Reaction

Post-NYCC Reaction


So I’ve just finished attending all 4 days of NYCC and it was an incredible experience this year, even though I write this with a scratchy throat at the moment (the infamous nerd flu).  I’ve attended NYCC for years but this was my first year attending as a member of the press and I absolutely loved it. I was able to cover so many panels, conduct interviews and general access unlike previous years. I’ve been asked about NYCC so many times over the years by people who’ve never heard of it or never attended any comic-con, and I’ve always been aware that my answers alone were never enough to encompass all that is NYCC. And that’s because people go for different reasons, they attend different days, and they attend different events. So try as I might I couldn’t see every single thing this year but I knew that going into NYCC. And since I intended to (and will) unveil new sections post-NYCC, I wanted to approach this year where I could answer the question of what is NYCC from various people who attended. So this week, instead of just posting the coverage of the panels I attended or the official news from NYCC ,I will also be posting a series of articles containing interviews from people who attended as cosplayers, exhibitors and professionals, so the full experience of what it’s like to be at a convention could be understood. Oh and there will be a ton of cosplay pics too.


Now, being press this year at NYCC has perks that extend beyond the convention and that’s a huge part of the new sections I’ll be unveiling that will be permanent fixtures on my site. First, I will start having videos on my site and not just for game trailers but my own game play videos, interviews, and the occasional video review. Previously it’s just been all me but I will have help with video editing so that will allow me to do more. I’ve already posted a couple of reviews for TV shows and now I will be reviewing select TV shows as their season progresses so that will be a permanent section. For the first time ever I will be reviewing select comic books on my site. I’ve been an avid comic book reader my entire life and now it will be much easier to include this as well. But none of this means I will be cutting back on my review of video games, and as a matter of fact, I will be able to review even more games in a timely fashion, as well as still negotiating an addition I’m very excited about. And lastly, NYCC confirmed for me even more that there are a lot of people out there who work hard to deliver content on a regular basis so I’m adding an affiliates page so there will be easy access to other great content on the web. So if I survive the nerd flu there will be a lot more content to enjoy and thank you for all your support this year.

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