Posts»Battlefield 4 Beta

Battlefield 4 Beta


The Battlefield 4 Beta is now available for download for both consoles and the PC so you can get an early start on seeing what the next iteration in the series will offer. But it’s just a beta so you have to keep in mind that the main purpose is to test the servers and online features so EA can fix what’s necessary so there’s a smooth launch. However that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun while doing this and the one map available, Siege of Shanghai, tries to highlight some of the game play that makes Battlefield such a great series.  There are only two modes available, conquest and domination, and the objective in both modes is to control as many flag points as possible until the opposing team’s ticket count reaches zero. If you’ve ever played a Battlefield game then you know that Conquest mode uses the entire map and has all the vehicles available, and Domination uses only part of the map and has no vehicles. If you’ve never played Battlefield before then the experience of playing Conquest for the first time, since this is one of its flagship modes, will be a treat and this is one of the many reasons why I think a direct comparison to COD takes away from all that Battlefield actually has to offer.

Sound quality was excellent in Battlefield 3 and in Battlefield 4 that returns, and to hear in the distance tanks battling, or helicopters flying overhead is a truly immersive experience. But you also have to pay attention to the water as boats, or soldiers swimming (yes you can swim and dive), provide a threat from another direction, or another way for you to strategically control all the flagpoints by dominating the map by air, land and sea. The controls did feel smoother and the vehicles easier to control, among other improvements. But depending on the platform you play the beta on, the graphical experience can be quite different. Below are two screenshots I took, one on my Xbox and one on my PC on ultra settings:


Xbox 360


PC Ultra Settings

PC Ultra Settings

I expect the final graphics to be better for the Xbox 360, even though it’ll definitely look better on next-gen consoles. A HD texture pack was released for Battlefield 3 and the same could be done here for the final product. It’s a beta so there were some other issues as well. Objects popped in and out at times and one time a tank spawned on me and I couldn’t move and just had to enter the tank. It was still very fun and it’s worth trying even in beta stage but hurry because it’s only available until October 15th. I’m definitely looking forward to playing the final product when it’s released October 29th on current gen consoles and PC, and in November for next-gen consoles.



  1. Allahweh - October 14, 2013 6:39 PM

    At this point, I wouldn’t be too worried about how graphics measure up between a console and PC version. I think that going forward, PC is always going to have an edge on consoles because of considerations to power consumption and pricing, but consoles (and things like the Steam Box) will have the edge when it comes to games like this where you really want to play it on your big screen TV because it adds just that much to the experience! 🙂

    • Kareem Ali - October 14, 2013 9:26 PM

      I agree completely. The graphics in the beta looked worse than the graphics in Battlefield 3 so I’m absolutely certain it will look better for the final game


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