Reviews»Comic Books»Wrath of the Eternal…
Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #6
Kareem Ali 4.5

Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #6


  • The good

    Incredible action sequences. Characters behind the plot revealed and enjoyable story progression.

  • The bad

    Motives still somewhat vague due to lack of explanation of Kalam's role.

  • The ugly

  • Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #6 continues with Gilad hunting down the horde of fighters who kidnapped his son and slaughtered everyone in his village. It opens up with a story of one reincarnated throughout the ages but unlike Gilad does so as different people. No matter how much is accomplished in one life it’s gone once this person is reincarnated even with full knowledge of a previous life. One time this person was a captain of a galleon fleet ruling the high seas but died due to the pox. When he was resurrected as a tribeswoman he couldn’t benefit from his previous life because the people he was born among didn’t even have sailing ships. This irony has made this person desire control more than anything else. In ancient Mesopotamia this individual was aware of Gilad and wanted to take Kalam for her own due to the belief that Kalam was special. Meanwhile, Gilad is hot on the trail of the marauders and has tracked them to this kingdom. He’s able to infiltrate the initial defenses and learn the names of those who performed the raid. However, the king has made sure that they’re all awake and prepared for retaliation. Can Gilad get his son back?  And why was he targeted in the first place?

    Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #6
    The first issue in this story arc was a powerful issue that captured Gilad’s anguish about the loss of his village and his son. It also conveyed a strong sense of his drive to pursue the killers to the ends of the Earth to find his son but it gave little to no answers as to why he was targeted. This issue sheds some light on the possible motive but the answers were vague enough that it was still difficult to connect all the dots. Thankfully answers about those behind it were more forthcoming and there was great story progression. And as a result, this issue was even more thrilling than the last, and the action was so intense that at one point I thought “wow, this series is aptly named.”


    I appreciated the fact this issue opened up with the reincarnation and the way it flowed because it was a captivating tale. It was easy to understand how one would strive to find a way to be able to capitalize on being resurrected with full knowledge of one’s past (especially in the modern world with so much connectivity). I did wish more answers were given here during this sequence about what made Kalam so special in this person’s eyes aside from the assumption that it’s because of who is father is.


    Things would go further than that when the king would wake up Jayok and his men to be on alert for any trouble despite knowing how wasted they were from the previous night’s festivities. It gave a name to the perpetrators making the story feel more intriguing. And this is where I need to point out how the artwork was magnificent once again in creating an atmosphere that was perfectly capable of capturing the more tender moments as well as the intense action. That’s because this issue would rely more on the action to carry it than last issue even though the story progression is better overall.

    Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #6
    Now, when the action would start it would be amazing. I was impressed with the writing and the graphic artwork because Gilad’s no-nonsense approach to the situation, as well as his opponents underestimating his skill, made for an electrifying sequence. I won’t give away any spoilers regarding the answers given but now I’m really looking forward to the Labyrinth story arc. And if the last 2 issues are any indication then it’s going to be a good one.




    Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #6 is a great follow-up to the last issue with its engrossing story progression shedding light on the plot against Gilad while containing incredible action sequences throughout. The reincarnation tale early on is a nice touch because the overarching plan can be connected to Gilad’s eternal existence and makes the antagonist more intriguing. There aren’t many answers regarding the intentions for Kalam, and one of the revelations feels a little cliché but the conclusion to this prelude succeeds in increasing my anticipation for the Labyrinth story arc next issue.


    Release Date: 4/13/16

    Writer: Robert Venditti

    Artist: Juan Jose Ryp

  • Rating ( 8.8 )
  • Total score 8.8

1 comment

  1. Hil - April 15, 2016 9:47 PM

    Neat comic


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