Reviews»Comic Books»Witchfinder: The…
Kareem Ali 5

Witchfinder: The Mysteries of Unland #3


  • The good

    Great character development as Sir Edward continues to impress. The conspiracy in the town deepens with some great character interactions as the story progresses

  • The bad

    Sir Edward not looking in the most obvious of places. Don't get to see him in action

  • The ugly

  • Witchfinder: The Mysteries of Unland #3 continues with Sir Edward investigating the strange murders in Hallam with the latest occurring right in front of him. It opens up with the Constable attempting to coach a family regarding the answers they should give Sir Edward regarding their town. It goes terribly awry when the young girl in the family notices the harpoon in his hand and blurts out that he could use that to go after the big fishes in Unland. Sir Edward becomes even more frustrated with the Constable when Diggory Fenn’s body arrives, completely hollowed out by the eels, and the Constable tries to state that a doctor could help, and would rule it a natural accident. Such a bizarre statement causes Sir Edward to lash out stating the Constable would even deny it’s currently raining as well. But he has more than one reason to be upset with the Constable as he’s threatened with being deemed a suspect since he was the one who witnessed Diggory being killed. So it’s a good thing he has to visit the Pooles because maybe he can get answers from them or at least a lead that will help him understand what’s going on. However he’ll see that it won’t be so easy to get answers there either and the conspiracy in Hallam and the Unland runs very deep.

    I’ve loved everything about this series so far from the characters to the creepiness of the town as it conceals its conspiracy, providing the perfect backdrop that only deepens the mystery of the Unland. It’s been extremely easy to become engrossed in this story, and with Diggory being murdered in such a repulsive fashion right in front of Sir Edward last issue, I’ve been looking forward to this one even more than usual. And Sir Edward’s frustration with the delusive Constable mirrored my own, and his statement about it raining was the perfect example to show how blatant the Constable’s attempts to deceive have been. Their back and forth, in addition to the obvious fear of the family, was riveting because the stakes of the conspiracy were clearly raised. I also enjoyed how everything wasn’t so straight forward with the Pooles and who or what among them may be involved in the conspiracy because that was consistent with the way the story has been built up so far, and some answers were given when Sir Horace was shown. I won’t give away the series of events but the only problem I had with this part was Sir Edward not checking the most obvious of places when he was looking for this important item. I don’t think he deliberately missed that part but considering the way things have been handled I wouldn’t put it past him completely. However the conversation between Sir Edward and Mrs. Poole was very interesting as the belief in witchcraft versus “modern” medicine gave more context to recent events in terms of the time period and the varying beliefs people would have, and this is a touch that has to be fully appreciated. What also has to be appreciated is the way things start to become clearer as the characters and their past are developed, and even the hints from one unable to speak clearly have meaning. And this is part of why the Witchfinder: The Mysteries of Unland isn’t just an engrossing story to read but an enjoyable experience.



    Witchfinder: The Mysteries of Unland #3 is another excellent entry into what is currently one of my favorite series, and even though some answers are given, it still feels as if anything is possible, which only increases the overall creepiness of the story. Sir Edward continues to be an impressive character despite ignoring an obvious location during a critical moment, and one of the masterful things about this story has been the character interactions, which have been highly enjoyable throughout. Too bad I’ll have to wait a month to get my hands on the next issue but so far it’s definitely been worth the wait.


    Release Date: 8/20/14

    Writer: Kim Newman, Maura McHugh

    Artist: Tyler Crook

  • Rating ( 9.5 )
  • Total score 9.5

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