Reviews»iPad»The Walking Dead…
Walking Dead Episode 3
Kareem Ali 4.5

The Walking Dead Episode 3


  • The good

    The best one in the series so far. Great action, surprises and touching moments

  • The bad

    Higher number of timed responses in this episode and a few of them being timed seemed unnecessary

  • The ugly

  • The Walking Dead Episode 3 – Long Road Ahead continues the story of the group at the motel still fighting to survive. Depending on your decisions at the end of episode 2 you’re either relatively well-stocked with supplies or low on them. However after the recent events there’s a question looming over the group and it pertains to the safety of their location and what they should do next. On one side there’s Kenny who is of the mindset that the group needs to leave and head for the shore and on the other side there’s Lilly who is adamant about staying. Kenny’s motivation is his family and keeping them safe and Lilly has no family left and is consumed by her responsibilities as part of the group and only trusts Lee. The horrific actions of the St. John family showed the perversion of society and the dangers in trusting people outside of the group but the decisions made showed it’s also difficult to trust members of the group as well. Will the group unravel even further or will it be strengthened in the aftermath of everything that occurred?

    This episode starts off with Lee and Kenny returning to the pharmacy to see what additional supplies and medications they can get for the group and discussing the events that took place. This serves as a minor recap but also allows  you to express your thoughts on the big events that occurred in episode 2 as well. And just like the first two episodes the character you talk to will remember your responses and act according to them or use them in later conversations or episodes. They encounter a minor problem when the ladder gives way and Lee has to find an alternate way around a tractor-trailer blocking the road. (There’s a little bit of foreshadowing there as well). And no sooner than you, as Lee, find a solution the calm is shattered by a screaming girl running into the street and followed by walkers. She’s bit and you have a choice to make: do you end it for her quickly by sniping her before she’s torn apart by walkers and alerting them to your position or allow her to keep yelling and fighting them so you can use the extra time to get whatever supplies you can while she’s distracting them? Whichever choice you make one thing is clear in the beginning of this episode: it won’t let up from putting you in situations where you have to make tough choices and makes you become more accustomed to the consequences of this lawless world. And if you’ve read my reviews on the first two episodes then you know I love how this game puts you in a mindset where you can be fully engrossed in the game, the choices you make and understanding the choices the characters make whether you agree or not with that choice. And you’re on the clock when trying to get supplies so the choice is real.

    This zombie believes in safety

    This zombie believes in safety

    This scene also introduces you to a new gameplay element that will be used often in this episode and that’s a sniper rifle and it’s very well done. If you’re using a controller it’s no different from any game with a rifle and if you’re playing on the iPad you use your finger to move the sights to aim and you tap to fire. You’re put in a very intense situation later this episode and once again it was wonderful to not have to think about the controls being unresponsive on the iPad and could just enjoy the game play. It might not seem like much but adding this kept the game play fresh this episode.

    After returning to the motel you have a private conversation with Lilly, who is still at odds with Kenny, either because she trusts you and feels you’re all she has left or because you’re the main character depending on your prior choices. She informs you that she believes someone has been stealing supplies and changing the records and she’s aware of that because she’s been keeping her own set of records. You can choose to believe her or treat her as if she’s just unhinged because of the recent trauma. The only evidence she has is a broken flashlight so it’s up to you to investigate. Everything was overheard by Duck and he will help you whether you want him to or not. This was the perfect opportunity for the game to get you to interact with members of the group while also getting you to play detective for a while. After completing this episode I was able to go back and appreciate what was done during this part even more and the great writing. I’m not giving away any spoilers but when you complete the episode you’ll understand. And the investigation itself is relatively interesting and adds more suspense to everything going on.

    You’re also given the opportunity to talk to Carly (if she survived) and she has developed feelings for you and tells you that she thinks you should tell people in the group about your past. In the first two episodes I felt answering questions about Lee’s past was a guessing game since it was never shown so for the first time I felt in control of Lee’s answers and as a result felt more in control of the character. You can choose to tell who you want or choose to tell no one however your choices do have an impact. There are legitimately touching scenes throughout this entire episode and where as episode 2 made you question this new reality and fighting to survive, this episode shows you the importance of appreciating life and the lives of those around you in this world. And some of my favorite moments were the ones between Lee and Clementine. It gives something to hold on to even in the midst of the worst. But have no fear, there’s plenty of action in this episode. And there are more zombies in this one than the last one. ALOT more zombies. It is the Walking Dead. And some bandits too. There are also puzzles you have to solve but they’re interesting and “real-life” puzzles so figuring out how to get a train moving is one of them.

    This can't be the midnight train to Georgia

    This can’t be the midnight train to Georgia

    And the action sequences are alot of fun. This episode found the perfect balance of story, action and character development.  The story takes a very interesting turn and the setup for episode 4 was great.

    One thing about this episode that I VERY slightly had a problem with was the number of timed responses.  Overall I love the timed responses because it keeps that heightened sense of suspense and makes you weigh your decisions more carefully. It seems minor but it’s been excellent in maintaining that atmosphere and adding to the horror element in this series. It also can keep you guessing about the events to come because you’re not sure which choices will ultimately be more important before the end of the episode. However I felt there were a few occasions where timed responses were used for even mundane questions. You could look up for a second and miss an interaction. It’s a very minor gripe and barely worth noting. To me this was the best episode in the Walking Dead series to date.

    This episode has it all. Great action, story, character development and pacing. Nothing felt rushed and nothing felt drawn out. The action sequences are a ton of fun and the puzzles pertaining to the mystery of the supplies or getting a train to operate, for example, fit in perfectly. The controls are still very responsive and that was crucial for the sniper scenarios. I always liked Clementine but this episode takes it to another level and the relationship between her and Lee shines even more in light of the events that take place. This episode captured the nuances of what it would be like to strive to survive in this world. Characters lie, betray each other, are paranoid of each other on one hand but on the other hand you can care about someone else’s survival more than your own, there’s strength, courage and there’s even love. Of course there’s still horror. I don’t know how this episode can be topped but with the way it ended I’m definitely looking forward to episode 4 and what awaits the group. This is recommended in the strongest possible way. A must buy

    Good to see survivors

    Good to see survivors

    Kareem Ali
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  • Gameplay ( 9.5 )
    Graphics ( 9 )
    Sound Quality ( 9.5 )
  • Total score 9.3

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