Reviews»TV Shows»Agents of S.H.I.E.L.…
Kareem Ali 4.5

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Beginning of the End


  • The good

    Resolves the majority of story lines from the second half of the season while setting up even more intriguing story lines for next season especially for Coulson and Skye. Nick Fury, of course.

  • The bad

    Only talking about the fate of a character was slightly perplexing. Felt like a couple of developments could've occurred if addressed earlier in the penultimate episode.

  • The ugly

  • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Beginning of the End is the first season’s finale and has the team making one final push against Garrett and his Hydra forces including Ward. However they first need to take care of the Hydra soldiers surrounding them and when one of them makes the mistake of calling May the Calvary she neutralizes him and takes his berserker staff giving her even more strength to contend with the others. She brings the house down literally while Coulson holds off some of the other soldiers so Skye could finish infiltrating Cybertek’s systems. Triplett is injured slightly during this encounter but they got what they needed and were able to get away with their plan still on track. But considering Fitz and Simmons haven’t answered any of Coulson’s calls they’re worried about their fate despite successfully tracking Garrett’s plane, and they have every reason to be concerned because the two of them are trapped at the bottom of the ocean in a pod with no way out. And since Garrett was given the GH-325 he’s not only stronger than ever before, as demonstrated by him ripping a door off completely. but he feels he’s now connected to the universe and can see so many things others can’t. So he says he’s unconcerned that Coulson and his team escaped and tells a doubting Ward that it’s bigger than Hydra now, it’s a full uprising. Everything appears to be in Garrett’s favor, and even if the team is able to stop him somehow will they have to do so at the expense of Simmons and Fitz’s lives since no one even knows where they are?

    I felt that the last episode’s execution was somewhat unusual given the tone and events of the episodes in the second half of the season, and it put more pressure on the finale to deliver in a big way. And the start of this episode gave me hope that it would, considering the pacing as the stage was set early for a definite confrontation with Garrett as the team’s plan was set in motion, and Garrett’s new schemes caused some concern among those with him. The only one who believed he was making sense with his talk about being connected to the universe was Raina, who was previously disappointed he wasn’t a clairvoyant. And Coulson would have one more speech rallying his team while quoting Nick Fury only to have May answer she was ready to kick some ass to his question of if they were ready to save the world. And surprisingly Fitz and Simmons were in real danger as the reality of their predicament sunk in with no food, no way to communicate with others and no way to even escape the pod and survive. Fitz’s grim assessment was that they would die down there and even the low-frequency signal he was able to create wouldn’t help because it was only on a S.H.I.E.L.D. frequency and S.H.I.E.L.D. no longer existed. So there was definitely intrigue with Garrett’s talk and what Raina hinted at regarding Skye’s origins, guaranteed action as Coulson’s team was ready, and also genuine suspense regarding Fitz and Simmons. I was really into this episode at this point.

    And the way events would unfold from this point was very entertaining as the team would launch a two-pronged attack on Garrett’s operations with Coulson and Garrett together and May and Skye forming the other group. And I really liked the fact that it wasn’t just endless fighting considering they were outnumbered and it was actually a very smart plan to counter Garrett and his forces. That doesn’t mean there wasn’t any action because there was plenty of it with every character one would hope would be involved in action sequences getting in on it. Of course I won’t give anything away regarding that but I can say that Fitz and Simmons wouldn’t be involved in it. Their situation would be very moving however as they would have to decide on what to do and true feelings would be revealed, and considering how I felt about their situation at the end of last episode I almost felt bad for underestimating it. Now there have been a lot of things introduced this season that has felt more like a setup for a later payoff and I’m referring mainly to the first half of the season. And despite the second half of the season being extremely enjoyable and providing so many unexpected story developments, there were still a few plot threads early on in the season that took a backseat once Hydra emerged. One of those story lines remains the same even this episode even though it’s been mentioned many times the past few weeks and yes I’m being vague to avoid spoilers. However the majority of the new story threads introduced after Hydra emerged are addressed and wrapped up in spectacular fashion this episode.


    And it didn’t feel as if these resolutions were rushed, as I legitimately cheered some things such as Nick Fury’s appearance, laughed out loud at other moments, and felt satisfied once it was all over. And not one character next season will be in the exact same position as this season so yes there are some momentous series changing events.   It was unusual to me for a character not to be shown and only talked about when discussing his or her fate, and of course we’ll get that answer next season but it made me wonder if a decision was reversed because it did feel that way. There’s also at least one that can tie into the Guardians of the Galaxy and I would speculate on why another event took so long to occur or what it could mean to the entire Marvel universe but I don’t want to give away the final scene, which is extremely intriguing. So yes next season has plenty of story lines to explore and not at the expense of the most pertinent ones going unresolved.



    Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Beginning of the End was a satisfying season finale that did a really good in tying up the more recent story lines while introducing a few elements that has me anticipating not just the start of next season but the impact on the entire Marvel universe. I enjoyed the tone of this episode more than the last one and the legit laugh out loud moments didn’t take away from that. I loved Nick Fury’s extended appearance and the new state of affairs for next season. I think the penultimate episode did a disservice to the finale and as a result a couple of things that weren’t addressed felt like they could’ve been if they started earlier in the penultimate. Overall I’m very satisfied with the first season and how this show truly found its stride, and I’m expecting more episodes like the second half of the inaugural season and this show to remain one of my favorites.


  • Rating ( 8.75 )
  • Total score 8.8

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