Reviews»Comic Books»Terminator Salvation…
Kareem Ali 4

Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle #12


  • The good

    Resolution to war and John Connor's life comes full circle. Deal was plausible based on developments throughout series

  • The bad

    Skynet is all but forgotten after deal is struck and war is ended.

  • The ugly

  • Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle #12 is the conclusion to the series and has John deciding his and Skynet’s fates. Even before he was born, John’s life was intertwined with Skynet and the terminators but he finally has the opportunity for a future free of that. This issue opens up with John on the verge of deleting Skynet permanently but instead of doing so he offers Skynet a deal. He tells Skynet that it’s always been clear why humans fought it but he never gave any thought to why Skynet fought humans. And he learned that it was a matter of survival for both sides. And after contemplating on this he sees how Skynet tried to become more like humans whether it was the varying terminators or creating Parnell, and how humans became more brutal as if they were terminators in order to fight better. So the deal John offers would bring an end to the war and would require Skynet to use its resources to help rebuild human civilization. And in return Skynet can achieve what it mentioned before about creating beauty and having purpose in its existence. In other words, there will be peace. Skynet would accept this deal and John would bring the news to the remaining human forces but at a cost. Parnell’s terminator shot John Connor’s body so he’s unable to return to it so he’s stuck in the terminator body. John states that what matters is the war is over, and ultimately celebration breaks out as some utilities are restored across the globe. But can this peace last or has there been too much bloodshed and conflict over the years? And now that John is stuck in the body of a terminator, what will become of his life now?

    Despite my sentiment that this series dragged out certain things such as unnecessarily rehashing the most well known events from the movies, I was looking forward to this final issue. The turn of events last issue were interesting enough for me to care about how the finale played out. I was able to appreciate the significance of John Connor becoming a terminator in order to fight Parnell while previously Skynet was trying to become more human in order to win the war. It made John’s deal more plausible considering they not only worked together to defeat Parnell but John was now permanently a terminator. So the start of this issue was enjoyable in that context. This wouldn’t be the end of John Connor but this issue handled this development in a satisfactory manner connecting it to his entire life, and the struggle even before he was born. And I actually liked the solution for his predicament and where things went forward from there. This entire issue wouldn’t just focus on John Connor’s post war life but on rebuilding the world as well including the “relationships” between humans and terminators. Human nature would be touched on more than the actual relationships between the two so I enjoyed reading this part of it even if for the metaphors. And I do feel that Skynet went through some serious character development this series, and even though I understand why it accepted the deal, Skynet was pretty much forgotten after that. It could’ve also been addressed with a hint of technological advances in a number of fields including medical, almost ushering in a new age considering all that was done to create human terminators. And the same could be said for Dr. Kogan. However, that part was pretty much left to the imagination. And to avoid any spoilers, I wish that was the case with the last page. But overall this issue was more satisfying than not.




    Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle #12 is a relatively solid conclusion to an up and down series that was plagued by character and logic inconsistencies from one issue to the next. John Connor’s life coming full circle this issue as well as the deal between the human resistance and Skynet made for a satisfactory ending as loose ends were tied up in a convincing way. It was good to see this issue deal with the aftermath of the war and some aspects of human nature too. However I did feel that showing even just a little of Skynet after the deal was struck would’ve made everything feel more complete. But with all things considered it ultimately did feel like the final battle.


    Release Date: 12/24/14

    Writer: J. Michael Straczynski

    Artist: Pete Woods

  • Rating ( 8 )
  • Total score 8.0

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