Reviews»Comic Books»Shaper #5
Kareem Ali 4.5

Shaper #5


  • The good

    Fight with Victus was entertaining. Great teamwork. Possible future series?

  • The bad

    Battle on the planet for the inhabitants almost felt nonexistent

  • The ugly

  • Shaper #5 is the conclusion to the series and has Spry facing off against Victus to determine the fate of Solace, the Shapers homeworld. It opens up with Victus believing he already won since his flagship is firing on Solace and it won’t be long until it’s destroyed. However Spry and his friends are very much alive, and currently Adagia and Kaylen are engaging the flagship and its fighters. Meanwhile, Rand the Galaxian is going toe to toe with Tor Ajax, and unlike before Rand has a plan. He gets Tor to shoot out the gravitational and force field controls resulting in an entire hanger full of soldiers and ships being destroyed. Angry, Tor takes the battle outside the ship where he has the advantage. And since Victus can see 10 breaths into his future he knows Spry and his mother, Niva, are on their way to the throne room so he clears it out in advance. Spry still has his dampener on but Niva doesn’t and has full use of her powers. Can Spry and Niva defeat Victus together and fulfill the prophecy before he destroys Solace?

    Victus versus Spry and Niva! Rand the Galaxian versus Tor Ajax! Adagia and Kaylan versus fighters! Everyone versus everyone! Any possible battle you think could’ve happened this issue did happen this issue, or at least that’s what it felt like. Considering the story has been building up to this moment and all motives have been revealed this wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. I was impressed with the initial scope of this battle when Victus started his assault on Solace. From the flagship firing on the surface to the fighters released from its bays, this had all the makings of a great and entertaining battle. The focus would then shift to Rand and Tor fighting, and since Rand has been a pretty cool character to me, I didn’t mind this battle being evenly matched since Rand was using his wits. Even the start of the fight between Victus, Spry and Niva was intense, and I was looking forward to this. The artwork was wonderful and the action sequences flowed smoothly from one panel to the next conveying the electricity in the atmosphere. And the way the story progressed to bring all of Spry’s allies together was organic and I couldn’t have enjoyed it more. And I won’t give away any spoilers for all the fights so I’ll just say it was satisfying. However, I actually forgot they were all fighting for the fate of a planet because the surface wasn’t shown outside of the glimpse at the start of the issue nor were any mobilization efforts shown when I would’ve liked to see a little more about the Shapers on the planet. I know only so much can be covered in one issue so in a way that’s a testament to how enjoyable the mythos has been, so I’m hoping more will be shown about Shaper society in a future story line. For now, this has to do.




    Shaper #5 is a solid conclusion that wraps up the pertinent story threads in a satisfying manner while creating a team I hope to see more of in the future. This issue is action-packed as a result of the story running its course and the action sequences are entertaining and still allow for a little character development. The initial scope of the battle is massive but a lack of an update on the surface of Solace makes it feel like an afterthought. However, I enjoyed this series so  much I’m very open to revisiting these characters again in a new series hopefully.


    Release Date:7/15/15

    Writer: Eric Heisserrer

    Artist: Ace Continuado

  • Rating ( 9 )
  • Total score 9.0

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