Reviews»Comic Books»Mulan: Revelations #4
Mulan: Revelations #4
Kareem Ali 4.5

Mulan: Revelations #4


  • The good

    Great action sequences and the story becomes more entertaining with the inclusion of the Immortals.

  • The bad

    Mulan's interactions with the Immortals was somewhat perplexing. Still very little information about the Order

  • The ugly

  • Mulan: Revelations #4 continues with Mulan coming face to face with the Immortals to enlist their help against the Hybrids. It opens up with Mulan and Adam driving high above the city trying to evade the forces of Adam’s former employer. He knows that since he defended Mulan he broke his vow and the Order now views him as an enemy too despite the fact that their faith suggests Mulan is the one they should be defending. Suddenly Longwei’s soldiers, the Forsaken, attack everyone and this gives Mulan and Adam enough of a diversion for Mulan to find a spot to use her powers for their escape. However, she teleports them to a remote location, and somehow she knew it was the location of the Immortals. One thing that is clear to her is that she will need the Immortals’ help to defeat Longwei and the Order. But if they haven’t been involved for this long what would make them decide to help her now?

    Mulan: Revelations #4

    It’s been a while since the last issue in this series was released, and so I was really excited when I saw this on the list of upcoming new releases. Granted the first time I read this issue it took me a moment to remember certain things that occurred so far in the series. I remembered big things such as where the last issue left off in terms of Mulan’s fate or who Longwei was holding captive. I wanted to double-check the smaller things because I wasn’t sure if I either missed or couldn’t remember certain things mentioned about the Order, Adam’s employer. This feeling of wondering if I missed something relatively minor hung over this issue slightly. Fortunately, it didn’t distract from the exciting events unfolding this issue.


    The action-packed start was just what was needed as a jolt of energy so I could be drawn right back into this world, and the artwork detailing this sequence was splendid. I was instantly reminded of why this series was so enjoyable to me. And it was great seeing Mulan increasingly using her powers against the variety of foes she was facing. If there was one thing this issue definitely had it was action. That’s not necessarily a bad thing because Mulan was clearly badass, and even face to face with the Immortals she had that mentality so it was more a question of who she was fighting and why.


    I appreciated the time and care put into making it clear who the Forsaken were and building up Longwei as an antagonist. Detailing his misdeeds in the world such as his creation of the plague gave him a clear context while allowing for the story to delve into a fascinating world. And as a result I could see so many different potential stories in this futuristic world. Unfortunately the same wasn’t done for the Order so their role in everything was somewhat perplexing. Did they care about the plague killing millions at an alarming rate? What was their role in the society at large and their beliefs? I know it made things slightly more intriguing wondering if they’re ultimately friends or foes, and I won’t give away any spoilers from this issue. But their addition felt somewhat rushed compared to the way other characters and the mythology has been handled so far.

    Mulan: Revelations #4
    And I would’ve preferred more given in regards to Mulan’s interactions with the Immortals. It was my understanding that she was still learning about her connection to them so I’m not entirely sure the hostilities were necessary. I guess it’s a good thing that my critiques of this issue were all related to wanting more time devoted to the different elements in the mythology because it’s better to have an extremely interesting world, characters and history that a reader wants to dive into but I want it to be clear that this was still an entertaining issue. I’ve been enjoying this series so much I wouldn’t have minded Longwei, the Forsaken and the plague just being dealt with this story arc and Adam and the Order introduced in the next story arc. That’s how rich this series has been. So ultimately it boiled down to wanting more of a good thing.




    Mulan: Revelations #4 is a highly entertaining issue that advances the story tremendously with its action-packed sequences and makeshift alliances. I’ve really enjoyed Mulan as a character in this series but she’s even more badass here with the use of her powers and her mentality towards current events. I like how everything isn’t black and white but the Order’s context isn’t entirely clear, and the Immortals can be maximized more. However, I’m so glad Mulan: Revelations is back and I can’t wait to see what’s in store next issue.


    Release Date: 11/18/15

    Writer: Marc Andreyko

    Artist: Micah Kaneshiro

  • Rating ( 8.75 )
  • Total score 8.8

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