Reviews»Comic Books»Fight Club 2 #3
Fight Club 23
Dave Gogel 4.5

Fight Club 2 #3


  • The good

    Best issue yet, feels like a natural continuation of the movie

  • The bad

    The reach of Project Mayhem seems a bit much

  • The ugly

  • In Project Mayhem, we have no name

    Now we’re getting somewhere. First off, I absolutely love the method in which we get a recap of the previous issues in Fight Club 2 #3. It is presented like an Airplane Emergency Landing sheet that’s left in a flight’s seat. Yet another subtle nod to the movie. Great stuff. To recap: Sebastian’s kid isn’t dead, Tyler has been around for years, Marla helped Sebastian get into Project Mayhem and thus the search for their son begun.
    The dialogue with Sebastian and the recruits at the Maple Street initiation is fantastic. It really captured the feel of today’s mindset. “Religious leaders are pariahs, sports coaches are stigmatized as odds-on pedophiles, even the military is sketchy with sexual goings-on. A generation of apprentices without masters” In Tyler we trust. As Sebastian interacts with the recruits, learning about their homework assignments he begins to interact with Tyler a bit more. Especially as he grows more weary.
    We have a Bible theme in this issue. Tyler and Sebastian wax poetic about Moses, comparing their cause to his. In a flashback, we see Sebastian chastised for reading the Bible as a kid. Tyler truly believes he is destined to lead the lost sections of a generation to greatness. Is this truly his destiny as he believes or is it delusions of grandeur?
    As the issue concludes, Tyler awakens (Sir! Sir! Sir!) and “Rize or Die” is born. Project Mayhem has a new mission.


    Release Date: 7/22/15

    Writer: Chuck Palahniuk

    Artist: Cameron Stewart

  • Rating ( 9 )
  • Total score 9.0

1 comment

  1. Dan N - July 23, 2015 1:12 PM

    Awesome review as always, you definitely have me intrigued and thinking this book is worth a look!


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