Reviews»Comic Books»Aliens: Life and…
Aliens: Life and Death #4
Dave Gogel 4.5

Aliens: Life and Death #4


  • The good

    Plenty of action, awesome final battle.

  • The bad

    Engineer a bit too reminiscent of The Terminator

  • The ugly

    A pissed off Queen

  • It’s been quite the journey but we’re finally heading towards the end of the Life and Death story arc. As we finish issue #4 in the Aliens: Life and Death story arc, it’s important we have momentum heading into the finale. Let’s see how Captain Paget and the Marines fared in their rescue mission to save Chris.


    We open with Lorimer and Delaria (a Colonial Marine operating under Paget) running a routine check and discovering that the transponder from the lander has gone silent. This was due to the Engineer destroying it, but they don’t know that. Lorimer and Delaria begin a human life against science debate. Of course, Lorimer will do anything to retrieve his xenomorph samples, while Delaria will follow Paget and her orders to the Gates of Hell. And she wins this argument, for the moment.


    Next, we cut to the Colonial Marines fighting off an Engineer while trying to swat away some bugs. The action here is worthy of a 4th act, as bullets, bodies, and death fly everywhere. Lots of quality character moments here, especially for Paget and Chris. I felt Roth fell to the background a bit too much in this series, but that is going to happen in a large series like this. The final battle is superb, one that was previously only accessible if you had the necessary NECA figures.

    Aliens: Life and Death #4



    Did the finale deliver? I believe so. The main characters had their big moments and we had the grand finale. Dan Abnett is wonderful for the Alien series; his writing style fits perfectly. With the Alien: Covenant trailer due to hatch any day now it’s important that the spirit of the franchise remains true. With Life and Death and Defiance out there, we seem to be in good hands. Or is it claws? Aliens vs. Predator: Life and Death #1 is up next. Stay frosty!


    Release Date: 12/21/16
    Writer: Dan Abnett
    Artist: Moritat


  • Rating ( 9 )
  • Total score 9.0

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