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New Bloodmasque Features


There are new Bloodmasque features that enhance the game play but also to entice users who haven’t played in some time to come back. You can augment any of your gear with various shards, which can be purchased with gold in the shop, to increase their ratings. Weapons can be augmented with Power Shards, Armor with Warding Shards, and Fangs and other items are augmented with Divine Shards. Each Shard increases the rating by one point and the maximum value an item can be increased to is also listed on the Augment Gear screen. The latest update also introduces login bonuses with the first bonus being 15 Power and Warding Shards each. There will also be gold and rubies bonuses as well on specific days you login. For long time players who haven’t played in a while, you will receive 200 rubies per day for 3 days, in addition to the regular login bonus. It’s a sweet deal for long time players since you only receive 50 rubies every time you level up and here you’ll receive a total of 600 rubies. Here’s a list of the new features:

  • New Augmentation system for gear
  • New daily login bonus system
  • New invitation bonus system
  • Welcome back Campaign feature for returning players


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