Posts»Happy New Year

Happy New Year


Happy New Year! It’s been less than a year since I’ve been doing gaming reviews, and almost a year since I started laying down the foundation for my site and exploring ideas on how to continuously build on that. Initially the scope of things I would cover was much smaller and I wanted to use this site as a way to make sure that I always made time for gaming, among other things, because of the benefits it has had in my life. And as I worked on building the site my excitement on what it could be, and I was just having fun in general. And by the time I was ready to launch there was so much more I wanted to do for my site but had to consider the time in which these things could be done. I had a lot of hopes on what this could be but wow, this experience has exceeded my expectations and it’s been a blast. I’ve made good friends, contacts, and had some memorable experiences as press this year. It hasn’t been an easy second half of the year as my father passing has been a difficult experience and it’s a process. This site has been helpful with that. And so I want to thank all of you who’ve supported my endeavor, visited my site and made it what it is today.

And 2014 is only going to be better. If you’ve been visiting from the start then you know I’ve been covering more genres and expanded my posts to include all the changes. Well now I’ve made the transition to next-gen and will now be reviewing Playstation 4 games. This will not only allow me to review the PS4 exclusive games, and make this site more complete, but there are some really good Indie games that will be released and I definitely won’t lose my focus on supporting Indie gaming. And since I’ll also be adding PS Vita games I’m adding mobile gaming as a separate section for easy access and search for the mobile gamer. And I will be expanding my coverage of Indie films too.


And looking over my reviews for this past year I’m going to be more mindful of my ratings and emphasis the overall experience as opposed to just the final score given to the game, movie, etc. So I intend to use the range of scores to make it easier for the reader to distinguish between everything I’m reviewing, and so there might be some scores less than 5 out of 10. So if the score for one of my reviews is a 6 it won’t necessarily mean it was bad and the reasoning will be made clear in the review itself.  My experience over the year has taught me how to utilize the range of scores much better. So the scores given this year will be in comparison to everything else being reviewed this year (aside from GTA V).

Again, thank you for the continued support and enjoy your visit

Kareem aka Hulking Reviewer

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